Pixel Worlds Wiki

The Netherworld is a dynamic world where players will be able to fight monsters, collect 32 Gems, 32 XP, and 32 Nether Crystals by themself or with 1 or 2 other players. To enter the Netherworld, players will have to get a 32 Red Scroll from the shop. By double-clicking it, they will consume the scroll and thus entering the world. You can also enter the world by going into a 32 Red Portal. Be careful with the traps and monsters! There's also a chance that players will encounter the Nether Vendor, a salesman that sells Nether related items for 32 Nether Stones or 32 Gems.

A 32 Red Scroll costs 150 32 Gems each or a bundle of 10 of 32 Red Scrolls costs 1,000 32 Gems which players would be saving 500 32 Gems. If players want to be team up with their friends, they can use a 32 Red Portal instead.

Whenever players kill a monster (1-12 Gems) or collect treasure chests (25 32 Gems), they will get a certain amount of 32 Gems for when they exit the Netherworld via the exit gate. To exit the Netherworld players will either have to die, resulting in losing all collected 32 Gems, unless the perk Gem Rescue is equipped which keeps 50% of the collected 32 Gems, or find the 4 NetherworldKey Netherworld Keys and the exit the world via the exit gate which will allow players to keep all the 32 Gems collected and any additional bonuses from Clan Perks. 32 Nether Crystals can also be found in 32 Prize Boxes scattered around the world (10), and 4 32 Nether Crystals can be found in each box, resulting in 40 32 Nether Crystals per world.

Nether Armor Set

Nether Armor Set pieces can be obtained by completing the "Nether Hunter #I to XVI" Daily Quests.


There are 8 types of monsters in the Netherworld, each one of them has different attacks, health, designs, movement & gem drops:

FlameJumper Flame Jumper

FlameFlyer Flame Flyer

FlameCharger Flame Charger

AbyssWalker Abyss Walker

RobeCaster Robe Caster

TentacleShooter Tentacle Shooter

StaffCaster Staff Caster

NetherWraith Nether Wraith

File:Wraith Bane.png Wraith Bane


  • A solid weapon, such as the 32 Steel Mace, can significantly speed up your nether time, as well as high armor stats, and any type of Wings, jump packs, or Jetpacks.
  • Always wait for traps to shoot, or activate, before healing in the danger zone using 32 Healing Potion. This especially applies to instant-kill traps, such as 32 Fire Trap.
  • Knowing the enemy AI is extremely helpful, as knowing some of the procedural generated "grids" as only the location of these grids changes, and not what the terrain is inside one. Potions can help, although they usually cost too much as to profit from using them.
  • Umbrellas and Capes don't usually benefit, due to them taking a vital slot of clothing that can be used for more important things, and the nether has small amounts of gliding space available. However, the 32 Bird Tribe Shirt may be useful, as it provides the glide ability with only taking armor stats as it's drawback.
  • x3 zoom, if on mobile, and x4 on PC, will help you navigate around the Netherworld much more easily.