Pixel Worlds Wiki

Mini Events are basically events that last for a short period of time, they usually contain small features like getting an exclusive item by breaking certain blocks, you can only obtain those items while the Event is active. They usually last from 1-3 Days.

Suomi Finland 100 (5th-7th of Decemeber 2017)

Finland turns 100 years old and a mini event starts in Pixel Worlds!

Break Soil Blocks to gain pennants and from those pennants you will have to a chance to get a Modest Finnish Cap to Celebrate this awesome event in our History in a very modest Finnish way!

Anniversary Event (20th-21st of January 2018)

Look at the time fly! Pixel Worlds is celebrating its one year anniversary with a special mini event!

During this event you have a chance to get a special Anniversary Cake by breaking Magic Stuff.

Breaking Anniversary Cakes gives you chance of getting rare Anniversary Portals.
